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Core Learning Module 1 introduces the foundations of preventative, integrative and anti-ageing medicine as a model for early detection, prevention and treatment of chronic age-related diseases, and to restore health and overall wellbeing.


  • Understand anti-ageing medicine and how we age
  • Define how our biochemistry, organ function chronic disease and lifestyle factors accelerate the ageing process
  • Appreciate the role of anti-ageing medicine as an integrative tool combining nutritional therapy, supplementation, lifestyle changes, hormonal and other pathology testing and the use of anti-ageing treatment protocols
  • Understand the integration of theories of ageing and the processes behind ageing including inflammation, depletion and wear and tear
  • Define and understand the role of hormones identifying the biochemical process of hormones in the body
  • Review hormone testing and treatment protocols using nutrient supplementation, lifestyle and dietary changes


  • UNIT 1: The Foundations
  • UNIT 2: Hormones
  • UNIT 3: Hormone Optimisation
  • UNIT 4: Inflammation & Stress
  • UNIT 5: Theories of Ageing
  • UNIT 6: Diagnostic Options & Functional Medicine Testing


  • Introduction and Welcome
  • Introduction to preventative, integrative and anti-ageing medicine, why and how we age
  • Conventional medicine vs preventative, integrative and anti-ageing medicine
  • Overview of the theories of ageing
  • Overview of treatment concepts in preventative, integrative and anti-ageing medicine
  • An introduction to hormones and their actions on ageing
  • Hormone deficiency or excess
  • Hormone optimisation, nutraceuticals and lifestyle
  • The role of inflammation
  • The biochemistry of glycation
  • Methylation and detoxification
  • Age-related disease and oxidative stress
  • Stress and its effect on ageing
  • An overview of functional medicine laboratory


  • Short quiz/reflection at the end of each unit
  • Final assessment at the end of each CLM
  • Certificate of Completion after all the requirements of the CLM have been fulfilled

This activity is accredited with the following organisations to obtain your CPD points