By Stephanie Anton on Saturday, 16 May 2020
Category: A5M Official

An integrative approach to personal, patient and planetary wellbeing

AIMA NZ Conference 2020 
"An integrative approach to personal, patient and planetary wellbeing" 

Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 March 2020
Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

As Integrative Medicine gains influence across the world, we see how the combination of conventional western medicine and evidence-based complementary medicine and therapies can provide the physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being that health professionals and patients are seeking.

 "I think it's THE conference where you can find that depth of knowledge on the nutritional, social, environmental and spiritual level of healing that we're all looking for
– I come every year!"- past attendee

The AIMA NZ Conference will investigate integrative approaches to personal, patient and planetary wellness. It will include the latest updates, insights and advances in integrative medicine including nutrition and pediatrics along with a focus on emerging issues in environmental medicine such as the impacts of 5G and glyphosate toxicity. 

AIMA have a fantastic line-up of passionate experts including the following incredible international speakers:

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